Event Expired
This free jobs expo is designed to help connect job seekers with potential local employers. It is open to all job seekers from school leavers to mature aged job seekers, to inspire you, help improve your job seeking skills and knowledge about local businesses, emerging industries and training options.
On the day there will be live demonstrations with onsite industry tools and some hands-on workshops. You will also be able to seek help with resumes and how to meet people, find contacts in your industry. There will even be a jobs board with hundreds of jobs available.
Food, coffee and refreshments will be available for purchase and please make yourself aware of transport opportunities available.
Exhibitors: If you would like to express interest in becoming an exhibitor on the day, please complete our registration form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMDwOSnqw3trZbfR_gFkLLzZAhtZJdZn13HdxgseDRrRTiUQ/viewform