Our fast-track trimester timetable makes it easy to tackle a double degree at Bond. In fact, you can complete two degrees here in less time than you could graduate with just one at most other universities.
Bond's Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Social Science combination can be done in less than 3 years (8 semesters) whereas it can take 3 years to complete either one as a stand-alone degree elsewhere.
The combination of Business and Social Science is a fascinating blend of business management principles and an in-depth understanding of human behaviour. This insight into how psychology impacts areas such as marketing, human resources and management will take your business studies to the next level.
You will be totally engaged by a dynamic study program that includes developing and starting your own business, meeting mentors and potential investors, overseas study, internships, and international student exchange opportunities.
In Bond's small, personalised classes, every student has access to state-of-the-art facilities in the Bond FinTech Hub, the Commercialisation Centre, the Centre for Data Analytics, and Transformer.
Studying these two in-demand degrees at the same time also represents a significant cost-saving compared to the cost of studying the two degrees separately.