Updating Results

Bond University

  • 50% international / 50% domestic

BIM | Continuous Process Improvement (Quality and Safety Standards)

  • Non-Award

Key details

Degree Type
Study Mode
In person, Online
Intake Months
Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
Domestic Fees
$5,560 total

About this course

Continuous Process Improvement

The Continuous Process Improvement (Quality and Safety Standards) microcredential addresses the importance of using BIM/Lean/IPD to optimise design quality to ensure it meets client brief standards. You will learn about the management of quality during the construction phase by early identification and design rectification of potential coordination clashes and the like. You will also learn how BIM models and Lean construction approaches in a collaborative IPD approach can significantly enhance the ability to identify and facilitate elimination/management of potential safety risks that might otherwise manifest during construction of the project.

The subject is taught in a highly interactive environment dedicated to aspects of utilising BIM technology platforms to identify opportunities for design quality improvement and identification of potential construction and operation period safety concerns, and elimination of those concerns. The subject introduces students to using BIM/Lean/IPD principles to ensure project processes ensure minimisation of waste and optimum timeliness of making the necessary change concerning design adjustments and safety risk elimination.

The Continuous Process Improvement (Quality and Safety Standards) is one of
twelve specialised BIM microcredentials

Study locations

Main Campus
