Advance your current skills in Microsoft Excel.. This short course is aimed at those that have the existing knowledge and skills to create, edit, print and chart simple worksheets including understanding ranges and the copying process.
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About this course
Advance your current skills in Microsoft Excel..
This short course is aimed at those that have the existing knowledge and skills to create, edit, print and chart simple worksheets including understanding ranges and the copying process. The topics covered in this short course include:
use the fill operations available to fill a data series,
use a range of formula techniques,
use a range of logical functions,
apply a range of number formatting techniques to data,
apply conditional formatting in a worksheet,
apply borders to cells and ranges,
work with various elements of a worksheet,
use a range of find and replace techniques,
sort data in a list in a worksheet, and
filter data in a table.
Entry requirements
RTO Entry Requirements
Minimum levels of English, mathematics and computer skills will be required either via providing evidence or completion of skills testing.