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Charles Darwin University (CDU)

  • 20% international / 80% domestic

Collect and Classify Plants

  • Non-Award

This course helps students learn the process of collecting and identifying plants using taxonomic keys.

Key details

Degree Type
0.5 year full-time
Course Code
Study Mode

About this course

This course helps students learn the process of collecting and identifying plants using taxonomic keys. They also preserve plant specimens and learn the standards required to collect plant specimens, including information on plant location, characteristics and occurrence of specimens at the point of collection; clean, preserve, mount and label plant specimens; use a plant key to identify plants against the botanical description of the species; label preserved specimens.

This is an online course and students engage through Learnline, which is CDU's premier Learning Management Systems.

Entry requirements

Students must have access to a workplace setting or environment that accurately represents workplace conditions. People who collect specimens for work do so in a wide variety of natural and artificial settings including national parks, reserves, agricultural land, and gardens.

Students will need to demonstrate an appropriate level of language, literacy and numeracy skills to undertake
this program. To ensure you have the right skills and support to succeed in your course, a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LL&N) evaluation helps identify any areas where you may need additional support to help you achieve your goals.

Study locations


What you will learn

To achieve the vocational training program VTP392 Collect and Classify Plants a total of one (1) unit of competency must be completed as listed below.

Credit for prior study or work

Skills recognition is not applicable to this course. CDU's short courses are highly targeted courses designed to help you improve a specific skill. They will help you improve your career prospects, maintain currency in your field, or allow you to try out something completely new.