Further information about Chisholm's accreditation as a Higher Education provider can be found at Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). Chisholm Higher Education College participates in surveys administered by Quality Indicators in Learning and Teaching (QILT).
Download the course entry requirements.
Please refer to the course entry requirements document (available above in the course description) for current requirements.
A. Describe and discuss theories and research, and investigate and critically evaluate issues in the core discipline areas of psychology: history and philosophy of psychology; individual differences; psychological health and well-being; psychological disorders; learning, memory, cognition, language and perception; motivation and emotion; neuroscience and the biological bases of behaviour; lifespan developmental psychology; social psychology; culturally appropriate psychological assessment and measurement; research methods and statistics
B. Critically analyse information to generate creative solutions to solve complex problems in behavioural sciences and psychology
C. Exercise skills in independent research, theoretical analysis and critical evaluation in Psychology
D. Exhibit advanced interpersonal and collaborative skills, consistent with professional, ethical and culturally sensitive practice, when working with people from diverse backgrounds
E. Apply knowledge and skills with responsibility and accountability for their own learning and practice, individually and in collaboration with others
F. Interpret and communicate Psychological ideas, problems and arguments in modes suitable to a range of audiences using a range of media
G. Recognise the importance of the relationship between knowledge of the scientific discipline of Psychology and the application of this knowledge in the practice of Psychology, and to appreciate the importance of keeping up with recent developments and contemporary issues in Psychology.