Masters (Coursework)
The Master of Educational Leadership will suit educational leaders in schools and educational settings, seeking career advancement and specialised educational leadership, underpinned by research-informed initiatives and pedagogy. This course is aligned with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Professional Standards for Principals.
During your course, you will examine the responsibilities of educational leaders and their role in effectively managing change and seeking opportunities to innovate. You will develop an advanced understanding and critical knowledge of creating and maintaining professional learning communities including community engagement, negotiation and managing competing interests. You will explore, critique and apply contemporary leadership ideas and strategies to promote advocacy, facilitate change initiatives and evaluate educational performance against relevant educational policies and frameworks. Designed with three research focussed units, this course will prepare you for research in educational contexts. In the course you will also examine quality models in Educational Neuroscience exemplified by 'The Icecap model' in Neuroleadership. From these, you will also learn practical strategies for professionals and leaders that can be used immediately. You will learn about contemporary evidence from cutting edge research using brain-friendly principles and cover topics including brain architecture, neuroplasticity, genes, epigenetics, maintaining a healthy brain, and the science of learning. Your studies culminate in a substantial research-based project, capstone experience and/or piece of scholarship.
Delivered entirely online, you will benefit from a hyperflexible delivery meaning you can study at your own pace, access your learning material anytime, and tailor your learning to an educational context of your choosing. Whether you choose to study full-time and complete the Master of Educational Leadership in 12 months, or part-time at a pace that fits your needs, you'll be supported by a dedicated academic staff member.
A recommended study sequence allows students to scaffold your learning and satisfy the Graduate Certificate of Educational Leadership after completion of the first four units. Each unit is made up of approximately three modules which can each be studied as a standalone microcredential within a professional learning context.
To be eligible for entry into this course, applicants must hold one of the following:
*Relevant work experience includes employment in a teaching or educational setting (which can include early childhood education, guidance counsellor or corporate settings which have a strong educational focus).
If you were not born in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa or United States of America, you are required to meet the English Language Proficiency requirements set by the University.
Applicants are required to provide evidence of completion of:
completed within Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, South Africa, Ireland or United States of America, which will meet the English proficiency.
If you do not satisfy any of the above, you will need to undertake an English language proficiency test and achieve the following scores:
English test results remain valid for no more than two years between final examination date and the date of commencement of study, and must appear on a single result certificate.
International Students should visit for further information.
Each student will be assessed individually.
Students enrolled in this course must have a relevant Working with Children clearance or equivalent
Health RequirementsNot applicable.
Assumed KnowledgeThe course is delivered in a hyperflexible mode. It is fully online and
Graduates of the Master of Educational Leadership have advanced specialised knowledge and skills in educational leadership. Professional and research content enables graduates to lead and collaborate productively with teams, communities and stakeholders to enhance organisational capacity and wellbeing and to lead research-informed initiatives and pedagogy. Graduates may use Master of Educational Leadership units as evidence of continuing professional development and/or to support career advancement.