Bachelor (Honours)
FedUni offers the Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) as a pathway for students who have achieved a standard of excellence in their academic studies to pursue higher degree studies.
There is an increasing expectation by governments and communities for evidence-based healthcare practice, as health policies impact upon the way services are delivered to the community. In this context nurses, as the largest group of healthcare providers, are central to the implementation of new, evidence-based practices. This requires nurses to increase their knowledge of and skills in, research utilisation and application.
Successful graduates of the Honours year will make significant contributions to healthcare and to the discipline of nursing, through their knowledge, research and evaluation skills.
The honours year primarily involves an independent research project conducted under supervision of an expert academic. The greatest time commitment during honours is associated with the research project, which allows for considerable flexibility about when work is conducted.
The course provides skills in research, which will enable nurses to pursue research at a higher degree level. Graduates will have opportunities to pursue leadership positions and to undertake further study if they wish.
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