The Certificate IV in Business (Administration) provides you with the skills and knowledge required for entry-level administrative, management and operational business roles. You will develop core fundamental skills in business operation, administrative, and management processes.
It is preferable that students have at a minimum:
* VCE (ATAR) or equivalent; or mature age (at least 18 years of age and away from formal study for at least one year); and/or
* BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (or similar qualification)
Year 12 - VCE students are to apply through VTAC application
Non-Year 12 (mature aged) applicants can apply directly to Holmesglen
Students are required to complete a literacy and numeracy test (BKSB) as part of their enrolment. The language, literacy and numeracy levels required for this course are based on the ACSF. They are:
* Language = 2
* Numeracy = 2
This course is highly interactive, with structured face-to-face workshops across a semester, or six months, in a blended model of onsite and remote workshops.
The course structure and delivery have been designed so students can build on their knowledge and skills over time by participating in simulation-based project work and industry-related tasks. Each one caters to a specific skill development.
If you have already completed other eligible elective units, these may be counted towards completion of this program.
You may be able to reduce the number of units to be studied in your chosen course by measuring skills acquired through work, life experiences or qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by another registered training organisation will be recognised by Holmesglen. Read more about Recognition of Prior Learning, Credits and Advanced Standing.