The Certificate IV In Plumbing and Services (Operations) will enable you to become a licensed plumber and expand your employment opportunities in the field. With this course, you will be able to work on a broad range of plumbing jobs.
To be eligible, students must be at least 16 years of age.
For the operations stream, a candidate must hold a Certificate III in Plumbing or be authorised to undertake plumbing work by an Australian regulator/licensing body.
Prior to enrolment or commencement of training, you will be required to complete a literacy and numeracy assessment and a pre-training interview. These will assist with determining your suitability for the course, verify your training plan, and identify any learning support needs.
You will be mentored by experienced expert plumbers and industry teachers who will help you build the skills and knowledge to undertake complex plumbing projects, specialising in specific fields of plumbing such as:
This course combines face-to-face classes with both theoretical and practical lessons. These will challenge knowledge learned in class, while developing your critical thinking skills to resolve problems experienced in the plumbing industry.
You will gain core competencies to carry out work-based risk control processes, establish legal and risk requirements of new business ventures, cost and estimate work, read and interpret plans and specifications, and access and interpret regulatory requirements.
Competency in these areas is required and forms the foundation of the 'main classes' of plumbing, as defined by the VBA. This course focuses on the following 'main classes':
mechanical services
roofing (stormwater)
water supply
The course also includes VBA licensed specialised classes of plumbing work:
* Type A appliance servicing
* Backflow prevention
You may be able to reduce the number of units to be studied in your chosen course by measuring skills acquired through work, life experiences or qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by another registered training organisation will be recognised by Holmesglen. Read more about Recognition of Prior Learning, Credits and Advanced Standing.