The Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching is an accredited course. Technology students and teachers are likely to use a range of equipment and machines that present a higher risk than other areas of the curriculum.
A good command of English, both written and verbal, is recommended
Minimum 18 years of age
Entry to this course is restricted to persons who meet one of the following requirements:
* Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) registered teachers providing student instruction in a technology teaching environment;
* Pre-service teachers enrolled in a VIT approved secondary teaching qualification with technology or art and design listed as a method;
* Technology teaching support technicians (non-teaching) with previous trade experience or demonstrable experience in using the required equipment and are currently employed by a secondary school/college.
Prior to enrolment or commencement of training you will be required to complete a literacy and numeracy assessment. The required LLN levels for this course are Literacy 2 and Numeracy 2 to ensure that participants are able to complete the following tasks:
* Identify and interpret relevant information and ideas from texts on familiar topics
* Convey intended meaning on familiar topics for a limited range of purposes and audiences
* Identify and comprehend relevant mathematical information in familiar activities or texts
The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (Part 3.5 - Plant) require employers to identify and control risks associated with machinery and plant in the workplace. The School Principal is responsible for ensuring that the relevant safety precautions for operating machinery in the school are implemented. Teachers must have also had the obligatory training and have attained the required levels of competency in machinery and plant.
This course is confined to instructions in the safe use of operating machinery in a technology teaching environment in schools.