The Ensure the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) is an industry course, designed to complement existing competencies gained by workers in the industry to provide currency in the skills and knowledge required to ensure safe practices within the transport industry as well as identify and address hazards associated within the chain of responsibility.
Entrants to this course would be working within the transport or associated industries
Prior to enrolment or commencement of training you will be required to complete a literacy and numeracy assessment and a pre-training interview.
These will assist with determining your suitability to the course, verify your training plan, and identify any learning support needs.
The following topics will be covered in this course:
- applying applicable state/territory law and regulations
- assessing the likelihood and consequences of harm relating to own job function
- completing safety documentation of identified transport activities of different types of heavy vehicle risk
- identifying risks associated with transport activities of a heavy vehicle
implementing relevant risk control measures and reporting actions taken to relevant person in accordance with workplace procedures.
- action required when possible risks of the transport activities are identified
- consideration of external factors in managing speed and fatigue
function of driver and how they relate to transport activities, including level of influence and control
- methods, industry standards and requirements to ensure management of fatigue, speed, load restraint, mass, dimension and heavy vehicle maintenance and how they relate to transport activities job functions
parties in the chain of responsibility and the concept of level of influence and control
- potential consequences of non-compliance with the applicable heavy vehicle state/territory law and regulations
principle of shared responsibility
transport activities as defined by the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) or applicable state/territory law and regulations
what constitutes an unreasonable request
where to locate current information relating to heavy vehicle transport activities including:
codes of practices, heavy vehicle standards, securing loads, load placement and load restraint
vehicle dimension and mass limits
workplace policies and procedures for own job function.