The Load and unload plant is a 12 hour program that covers the knowledge and skills required to safely load and unload plant from the preparation and planning stage to storage.
- Construction Induction Card (CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry)
- At least 12 months' employment experience in civil construction or relevant industry
- At least 6 months experience as a mobile plant operator.
- At least 1 plant ticket
- Current employment in relevant industry and referral from employer
There is no prerequisite unit for this course.
A pre training review will be conducted which covers the entry requirements.
The program includes
-Hazard identification and implementation of controls
-Ensuring that the specifications of the plant to be loaded are within the manufacturer limits of the float or trailer
-Selection, inspection and use of appropriate tools, loading aids and equipment
-Techniques for loading, securing and unloading plant safely.
-Stowing equipment
The program and assessment cover the theoretical and safety knowledge that underpins these activities as well as well as opportunities to practice and demonstrate all the skills and required tasks