Graduate Diploma
Marketing is a key component of any successful business. It is essential for not only selling products or services, but also understanding and connecting with customers. As technology evolves, businesses need leaders who have up-to-the-minute marketing expertise to steer them into the future.
Whether you're looking to enhance your marketing expertise or expand your business skillset, La Trobe's Graduate Diploma in Marketing puts you at the forefront of marketing in the digital era.
This one-year, accredited degree lets you explore the role of marketing across a range of industries and sectors. Learn the key components of marketing management planning, including situational analysis and strategy formulation.
You'll develop vital business skills, from financial management and planning to successfully leading marketing teams. What's more, you'll enhance your understanding of human behaviour and the customer experience. Examine the psychological, sociological and anthropological drivers behind how people decide what they buy, want or need.
Gain advanced knowledge of digital marketing, while building a strong understanding of industry best practice. Learn how to leverage social media, content marketing and digital platforms in multi-channel marketing campaigns.
Want to take your career aspirations even further? After completing the Graduate Diploma, you could receive up to one year of advanced standing, which means you could transfer directly into the second year of La Trobe's Master of Marketing, should you decide to further your studies.
You'll learn:
The qualification awarded on graduation is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) as Level 8 - Graduate Diploma.
Please note, the following course structure is indicative and subject to change depending on your course location, offer year or how you tailor your course with specialisations, majors, minors and electives. Structures for the following year are not normally finalised until October, so the sample provided is based on the most recently approved structure. For more information, please refer to the La Trobe University Handbook.
To qualify for the award of Graduate Diploma in Marketing, students must complete a total of 120 credit points across 1 year.
Year 1 requires the completion of 120 credit points including:
Core subjects are required subjects in your course. You need to complete these subjects to attain your degree.
Subject name Subject code Year Credit points ACADEMIC INTEGRITY MODULE LTU0AIM 1 0 ADVANCED CONSUMER DECISION MAKING MKT5ACD 1 15 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT MKT5IMM 1 15 INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE BUA4002 1 15 MARKETING IN THE DIGITAL ERA MKT5DMA 1 15 MARKETING MANAGEMENT MKT5MMA 1 15 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS BUA4003 1 15 STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND FINANCE BUA4004 1 15 SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING BUA4001 1 15The Handbook contains detailed course information designed for enrolled students, including course structures, electives and options. The delivery of this course can vary between campuses.
To view other campus handbook course details, please select relevant campus in the drop down.
The prevalence of digital technologies and social media have created many exciting opportunities for marketing graduates.
Possible roles include:
The Graduate Diploma in Marketing is accredited by the Australian Marketing Institute (AMI). Membership may require an application to the professional body and may have additional or ongoing requirements beyond the completion of the degree. Please contact the relevant professional body for details.