Certificate II ATSICA is designed for adult Koorie learners who live in Mildura and the surrounding area. The program is targeting a cohort who identify with one, or more, of the following categories: Passionate in learning about art, passionate in learning about culture, long term unemployed and looking to re engage in a learning pathway, pensioners seeking a learning pathway and/ or have barriers to employment.
Each student will undertake a Pre- Training Review to determine individual student needs, their ACSF core skills profile and suitability to this course. The results of the Pre-Training Review will be known before the student commences in training and will be used to determine the suitability and appropriateness of the course to the student's needs - refer Pre-Training Review Procedure. The pre-training review for Koorie Learners undertaking training within the Dulka Yuppata Koorie Training Centre is divided in two parts. The first part is conducted by our cultural community expert our Swan Hill Koorie Liaison Officer. The KLO holds intimate community and cultural knowledge which informs their assessment on pathway requirements and course suitability. Once this is complete the second part of the pre-review process is an interview with the teacher of the Certificate II ATSICA. This will include completion of a paper based pre-training review with the teacher.
This will be particularly useful for those who are interacting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues and community, with a focus on hands on skills.