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Swinburne University of Technology

  • 23% international / 77% domestic

Certificate IV in Business - People and Culture

  • Certificate

Key details

Degree Type
12 months full-time
Course Code
Study Mode
In person

About this course

The Certificate IV in Business offers students the skills and knowledge needed to prepare them for entry level business positions. Students learn practical organisational and technology skills in a classroom-based team environment. Our core studies connect workplace health and safety with emotional intelligence, essential modern skills such as proficiency in editing document and spreadsheets, and communicating in a professional manner with stakeholders and colleagues while working together on projects.

The Certificate IV in Business - People and Culture places emphasis on developing student's understanding of how large organisations manage their most valuable resource - their people. Studies include the functions of human resource services, industrial relations procedures and developing disability-inclusive recruitment practices.

Through an interactive, industry relevant learning experience, students will develop a broad business knowledge and skill base which may apply to a wide variety of contexts. Students gain confidence in their problem solving, communication, team work, and presentation skills. Digital skills, data literacy and design thinking is imbedded throughout the course.

Study locations


Career pathways

Graduates will have developed office technology skills and operational skills such as basic workplace health and safety, employment practices, digital and data literacy, and design thinking skills. Students will have developed their confidence in communication and self-management, with studies specifically in workplace communication and emotional intelligence. Graduates will be equipped with an adaptable range of skills, ready to enter the workplace or progress for further study.

Course structure

The Certificate IV in Business is made up of one core unit and nine elective units. The Certificate IV in Business - People and Culture stream shares seven units with the Enterprise stream, and has three units separately, specialising in skills valued in large organisations and human resource management. The seven common units are fundamental business skills, including communication, innovation, creating text and spreadsheet documents, and emotional intelligence. The three People and Culture units are chosen to give insight into human resource functions, industrial relations and ensuring inclusive recruitment practices.

Classes are face to face with an emphasis on practicing skills and building confidence. We run classes over three days, and each is structured to link with each other around common projects and events. Learning materials, videos and resources are available online. Offsite excursions are run to give students the opportunity to experience different kinds of workplaces.