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The University of Queensland (UQ)

  • 29% international / 71% domestic

UQU APS & BEL SET: 'Drive Your Own Career Success'

Event Expired

Event Details

Wed 11 Oct 2017, 1:00am
Wed 11 Oct 2017, 5:00am
Time Zone
Terrace Room - Level 6, Sir Llew Edwards Building, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072

Event Details

Date: Tuesday, 10 October 2017 - Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Time: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Room: Terrace Room - Level 6

UQ Location: Sir Llew Edwards Building (St Lucia)

URL: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/uqu-aps-the-bel-set-present-drive-your-own-career-success-tickets-38274038680

Event Description

Full Description:

UQU APS & the BEL Student Employability Team present: 'Drive Your Own Career Success' 

We have partnered with the award winning BEL Student Employability Team to provide this exclusive Employability Wokshop which is tailored to ALL Postgraduate students of ALL Faculties. 

Refreshments will be provided 


*Importance of Mentoring: Cate Clifford 
How can Mentoring support you in your career development? We’ll discuss the key benefits of Mentoring to you and how to develop a successful collaborative Mentoring relationship. 

*Advanced LinkedIn Techniques: Ryan Webb 
Advanced Techniques for Career Success: Beyond being a LinkedIn “All‐Star”, understand the power of LinkedIn, Thought Leadership and discover content that matters to you. 

*Drive Your Own Success through Career Planning: Jo Buchan 
Are you confused about what career you want to go into after graduation? 
Do you want to know how you can drive your own success? 

The Career Planning session will help you to learn and develop new ways to look at career planning and set goals to achieve those plans.