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Torrens University Australia

  • 43% international / 57% domestic

Bachelor of Information Technology

  • Bachelor

Our Bachelor of Information Technology is co-designed with industry to prepare you for a career in the ICT industry.

Key details

Degree Type
2 years part-time
Course Code
Study Mode
In person, Online
Intake Months
Sep, Oct

About this course

Our Bachelor of Information Technology is co-designed with industry to prepare you for a career in the ICT industry. Cover programming, software engineering, networks and databases, human-centred design, smart technologies and cloud architecture, and use technical and creative skills with 4.0-era technology to design IT solutions.

Throughout the course, you'll learn how to solve and propose innovative solutions to complex and highly technical problems. You'll cover foundational studies in programming, software engineering, network and database systems, and human-centred design, as well as topics in smart industry technologies, enterprise computing and cloud architectures. A choice of elective subjects, including software development, data analytics, artificial intelligence, web development and UX, game programming and cybersecurity, allows you to tailor the course to your interests. You will also have the opportunity to undertake work experience, which lets you apply your learnings and further prepare for entry into the workforce.

Study locations

Ultimo Campus, Sydney

Surry Hill, Sydney

Torrens University Language Centre, Sydney

Fitzroy Campus, Melbourne

Flinders Street Campus, Melbourne

Fortitude Valley Campus, Brisbane

Gotha Street Campus, Brisbane

Wakefield Street Campus, Adelaide

Pulteney Street Campus, Adelaide


What you will learn

  • Demonstrate a cohesive and coherent understanding of IT concepts and technologies in solving complex industry problems.
  • Evaluate and select appropriate technology and design methodologies for the implementation of IT solutions.
  • Synthesise cognitive, technical and creative skills to design and develop inventive IT solutions for complex industry applications.
  • Communicate IT services and solutions to a diverse audience, ensuring they meet system and user needs.
  • Apply sound judgment, effective management, and collaborative skills in a professional IT context.
  • Demonstrate core professional obligations, ethics and social responsibilities in a professional IT context.
  • Evaluate and recommend emerging IT technologies to deliver creative and human-centric IT solutions.
  • Demonstrate a cohesive and coherent understanding of IT concepts and technologies in solving complex industry problems.
  • Evaluate and select appropriate technology and design methodologies for the implementation of IT solutions.
  • Synthesise cognitive, technical and creative skills to design and develop inventive IT solutions for complex industry applications.
  • Communicate IT services and solutions to a diverse audience, ensuring they meet system and user needs.
  • Apply sound judgment, effective management, and collaborative skills in a professional IT context.
  • Demonstrate core professional obligations, ethics and social responsibilities in a professional IT context.
  • Evaluate and recommend emerging IT technologies to deliver creative and human-centric IT solutions.