Doctorate (PhD)
The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences) at the University of Melbourne marks a student's admission to the community of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences scholars. It signifies that the holder has undertaken a substantial piece of original research which has been conducted and reported by the holder via thesis.
The submission must be a careful, rigorous and sustained piece of work demonstrating that a research 'apprenticeship' is complete.
The PhD will demonstrate authority in the candidate's field and shows evidence of command of knowledge in relevant fields. The thesis must make a distinct contribution to knowledge and is judged on originality of approach and in some cases, the discovery of new facts.
PhD in Psychological Sciences Information evening webinar
The Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences 2021 course information session for prospective students interested in undertaking PhD studies in psychological sciences.
Presentations slides PDF, 4675.87 KB
Watch recording
Undertaking a PhD with the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health involves one semester of coursework. For more information on PhD coursework in neuroscience please see the Handbook.
Doctoral degrees at the University of Melbourne seek to develop graduates who demonstrate academic leadership, increasing independence, creativity and innovation in their research work.
The University expects its doctoral graduates to have the following qualities and skills:
The University provides a variety of opportunities in addition to the supervised research program, to facilitate a student's acquisition of these attributes.