This degree aims to equip students with the language skills (in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese or Spanish), solid international business knowledge, and intercultural and cross-cultural understanding that will enable them to function effectively in an international work environment both in Australia and overseas.
Students spend an academic year in the country of their language major with one trimester of academic study at a partner university, followed by either one trimester of work placement or an additional trimester of academic study. This unique in-country experience will equip graduates with first-hand experience of a work environment in their target language and culture.
Currently, agreements or bilateral exchange agreements exist with specific universities or schools in China (Xi'an), France (Angers, Chamb
ry, Saint-Etienne) and French-speaking Canada (Quebec City), Germany (Oldenburg, Trier) and Austria (Graz, Klagenfurt), Indonesia (Gajah Mada, Muhammadiyah), Italy (Macerata), Spain (Jaen, Alicante) and Japan (Kagoshima, Aichi-ken, Tokyo, Kanazawa). Such agreements mean that tuition fees are waived, that help is given with finding accommodation and that an element of pastoral care is provided. Some financial assistance is available in connection with study at certain of these universities. Students have the opportunity of completing a business work placement overseas in the country of their target language.