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Macquarie University

  • 26% international / 74% domestic

Macquarie University Courses


Gain advanced-level theoretical and practical knowledge of fintech, as well as an understanding of major technological trends in the banking and finance sector.


The Statistical Data Science major will provide you with a versatile skill set that combines statistical thinking and computational techniques.


Develop practical skills in journalism and non-fiction writing. Critically analyse the role of media and how news is generated, reported and transformed online.


As a software specialist, you'll control computers by programming them - from the smallest embedded devices to the largest centralised servers.


Acquire accounting qualifications that are fully recognised by CPA Australia, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) and ACCA.


Develop the sought-after ability to analyse data sets - including big data - using modelling techniques, machine learning and data mining to problem-solve.


Gain the skills to advance your finance career. Study areas such as business valuation, capital markets, financial modelling and forecasting, and investments.


Learn fundamental physics concepts and principles while developing skills in problem solving, numerical analysis, lab techniques and communication.


Learn about corporate finance, financial analysis and portfolio management, with complementary knowledge in statistics, computing, actuarial studies and more.


Gain essential career skills and study fascinating taxa ranging from microbes to fungi, plants and animals, with a focus on Australia's unique biodiversity.

Masters (Coursework)

Gain technical knowledge and practical training in cybersecurity. Learn about cryptography, networks, artificial intelligence and mobile data communications.
2 years full-time
Study Mode
In person

Masters (Coursework)

Develop your knowledge of programming, databases, applied statistics, machine learning applied to big data, and essential ethical and collaborative skills.
2 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction