Total students: 61,000
Founded: 1887
The statistics below measure the educational experience of current students at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology scores slightly above average on all student experience metrics for undergraduate students.
Overall quality of educational experience: 78.6% (national average 79.3%)
Teaching quality: 78.5% (national average 80.9%)
Learner engagement: 67.9% (national average 64.1%)
Learning resources: 83.4% (national average 84.1%)
Student support: 67.9% (national average 72.2% )
Skills development : 79.8% (national average 81.0%)
Source: Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
These statistics measure how well recent graduates of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) rated their learning experience.
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology scores near average on all student experience metrics for undergraduate students.
Overall satisfaction: 76.3% (national average 80.0%)
Teaching scale: 63.1% (national average 63.0%)
Skills scale: 79.7% (national average 81.8%)
Source: Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
This section measures the employment outcomes of recent graduates from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT).
Graduates from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) are more likely to be employed than the national average of university graduates, however their annual salary is not any higher than the average.
Employed full-time: 66.0% (national average 70.6%)
Employed overall: 83.0% (national average 87.5%)
Enrolled in full-time study: 22.9% (national average 21.1%)
Median annual salary: $52,200 (national average $58,000)
Source: Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching
RMIT is a global university of technology, design and enterprise. RMIT offers undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational programs and courses that are global in focus and practical in application.
Designed for early- to mid-level professionals seeking to both build and enhance their digital and hybrid skills, this degree seeks to equip you with the tools you need to succeed in an increasingly agile and fast-changing world of work.
When you choose the Economics major in the Bachelor of Business at RMIT University, you're choosing in-depth study in a constantly evolving discipline.
When you choose the People and Organisation major in the Bachelor of Business at RMIT University, you will learn how to deal with complex issues, lead teams and make business decisions applicable across a variety of organisational...