The Certificate II in Introduction to Aged Care (Pre-Traineeship) will provide you with the basic industry specific skills and knowledge for the aged care sector or a traineeship within the Community Services sector at the Certificate III level.
The program will give you a taster of working in the industry, help you confirm if the career is right for you, and increase your chances of continuing onto further study or employment within the industry. This is 3 month course run in Thornlie that includes 100 hours work placement at an Opal Aged Care facility.
Aged Care is a highly rewarding career helping Australia's elderly people live fuller and more independent lives.
Pre-entry evaluation and an interview with our lecturers will take place prior to enrolment to ensure that you can successfully undertake the qualification, including an assessment of your language literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills.
Use the course inquiry form below to apply/express your interest in this program.
This qualification is directly aligned with priority industry areas where the jobs are today, and into the future. As part of the state government Lower fees, local skills initiative, from 1 January 2020 through to 31 December 2021 you'll only pay half the course fees, capped at $1,200; or $400 (plus resource fee) if you're aged 15-24 or eligible for a concession. Find out more.
Please note this list should be used as a guide only as job titles and qualification requirements may vary between organisations.
SM TAFE actively promotes the employment availability of course graduates to key industry partners and organisations. We also seek expressions of interest from organisations for the placement of our students into work experience. In addition, this course involves work placement, giving you further opportunity to develop relationships with potential employers. We endeavour to assist students into a career pathway, but please be aware that employment is not guaranteed by us.
To access free career planning and job search assistance, visit the Jobs and Skills Centres page.