This course provides essential training for deck officers who have insufficient sea time in the last five (5) years to revalidate their Australian Certificate of Competency (COC) issued by AMSA (2nd Mates, Mates or Masters) as required by Marine Orders Part 3.
.This course meets the requirements of STCW as revised by Manila Amendments 2010, and is AMSA approved.
Seafarers who satisfy the sea time requirements of AMSA for the last 5 years, may only be required to demonstrate continued competence in fire fighting and sea survival, by attending the two day refresher course. If you are in doubt about what you are required to attend, please contact AMSA for a determination to be made. Refer to the AMSA website
Revalidation PART B, common to Masters and Deck Officers
Note: All Masters revalidation courses have the option for GMDSS revalidation delivered the week prior to the start of Part A and Masters Revalidation Part A delivered two weeks prior to starting the revalidation course Part B.
This course has a pre-requisite of a valid or expired Australian Master or Deck Officer Certificate of Competency.