This skill set will prepare you to operate a small business in a wide range of industries, whether you plan to work in an administrative role or you
are running your own business. You will learn how to design and produce business documents, publications and spreadsheets, identify financial requirements of a business including profit targets, cash flow projections and strategies to gather financial support, workplace health and safety (WHS) legislation and how to create and build a social networking presence
using social media tools and applications.
On completion of the course, participants will receive a Statement of Attainment for the nationally accredited units:
BSBESB403 - Plan finances for new business ventures
BSBTEC301 - Design and produce business documents
BSBTEC302 - Design and produce spreadsheets
BSBWHS307 - Apply knowledge of WHS laws in the workplace
ICTWEB306 - Develop web presence using social media
No Mandatory Entrance Requirements