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South Regional TAFE

About South Regional TAFE

Your success is our priority. As TAFE is a State Government funded and regulated training provider, you can be assured that we meet the highest standards in delivering quality training to our students.

Student Support

Our Student Services staff are available to support you with your individual needs.

Our Disability Support service provides information and advice to students with a variety of accessibility issues. All study support is tailored to individual needs. We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students by offering advice, tutoring and mentoring support during the training journey.

The college also offers a counselling and referral service for all students. This service is designed to support any student who may be experiencing difficulties or dealing with issues or situations that may impact on their studies.

More information about student support and other key topics about being a student at South Regional TAFE can be found in our Student Handbook.

Nationally recognised qualifications

With training and a nationally recognised qualification from South Regional TAFE, you can look forward to a bright future.

The skills and knowledge you gain will help you to find your ideal job and set you on track to a great career.

Flexible delivery, state-of-the-art facilities and supportive staff ensure all students have the opportunity to achieve their best.

In addition to full courses, here are some of the many other benefits and opportunities TAFE training offers.

Improve English and literacy

If you'd like to upgrade and improve your reading, writing and maths skills so that you can apply for other courses, the Certificates in General Education for Adults (CGEA) are for you.  These can help open up further study and work options.

Short courses

We deliver a wide range of short courses for you to enhance your professional skills or personal development. See the college's offerings of short courses at your local campus.

Business skills

To start and grow a business enterprise, people need to be skilled, capable and experienced in many areas. When their business expands, they must respond quickly to market movements. 

In a fast-moving world, managing a small business requires a rounded knowledge. Many business operators are highly skilled or qualified in the technical side of their business, but simply don't have the time to attend normal training in business management.

Our programs will enhance your understanding of all facets of business and are designed for owners, managers or entrepreneurs looking to establish and grow their business.

Career change

As a career changer, what careers are open to you? With courses from the South Regional TAFE, you can explore skills and knowledge in career fields similar to your present one, or experiment with courses relating to very different careers.

Re-entering the workforce

Taking a NOW, WOW or GATE course at South Regional TAFE can be your stepping stone back into the workforce. If you've been away from the workforce for a while, you might want to enrol in a course to help you build your vocational skills and demonstrate to potential employers your self-motivation and ability to commit to activities.

(NOW)             New Opportunities for Women

(WOW)            Wider Opportunities for Work

(GATE)             Gaining Access to Training and Employment

Be recognised for skills you already have

Did you know you might be able to receive a qualification without going through formal training?

If you have existing skills, knowledge and experience but not a formal qualification, then Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) may an option for you.

Skills recognition of your experience may help you get that qualification you always wanted; improve your career prospects; gain a nationally recognised qualification in a shorter period of time by not learning what you already know; and provide a pathway to higher education and university.​







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Featured Courses


This five day WorkSafe Western Australia accredited course for Health and Safety Representatives will provide representatives with information and skills to enable them to effectively carry out their role as "representatives" of employees, and as defined under Section 68 of the WHS Act..


This is a level 1 introduction to Revit 2022 Architecture, a powerful building modeler used extensively for architectural design, documentation and rendering in 2D and 3D.


This qualification reflects the role of individuals working as skilled operators with civil construction plant, who apply a broad range of skills in varied work contexts, using some discretion and judgement and relevant theoretical knowledge.