This Microcredential unit focuses on the role and development of the leader, and the practice of leadership in the context of organisational creativity and innovation.
This micro-unit examines the concepts, issues and challenges that are critical for implementing, maintaining and completing business analytics projects.
This Microcredential unit examines how corporate leadership, ethical values and management strategies facilitate and sustain entrepreneurial and innovation business practice. The successful innovating organisation is characterised by a culture that supports innovation and corporate entrepreneurship.
This Microcredential unit focuses on engaging followers in the context of organisational creativity and innovation. You will examine the factors that underpin productive leader-follower relationships, focussing on the conditions that foster trust and a climate of psychological safety.
Learn how to locate acts, regulations & legislation relating to aviation through this Aviation Regulatory Environment online short course at Swinburne.
This Microcredential unit, Cultivating Creativity will enable you to nurture and apply your creativity to add and unlock new sources of value to you and your organisation.
This Microcredential unit examines the behavioural characteristics exhibited by successful entrepreneurs to understand how these contribute to effective entrepreneurial action. Entrepreneurship is a mindset, a specific way of seeing and thinking and acting in the world.