Kick start your career and existing passion for cyber security with this specialised skill set This course will provided you with techniques that are a springboard for further study and then onto a platform for deciding from the many different Cyber Security employment avenues available.
Learn the art of turning clay into ceramic Whether you are a ceramicist or potter looking to explore and experiment in this art form, or an art teacher/technician wanting to complete some professional development in a ceramics studio environment, this skill set will extend the scope of your current...
If you're currently operating or thinking about starting up a small business, or would like to get job ready for an administrative support position in a small business operation, this is the skill set for you! .
This skill set is free for everyone* The Integrating Mental Health Practice Skill Set will give you the skills to assist and support clients who are experiencing mental health concerns, and respond to the increasing need for mental health awareness.
Become a skilled CG Artist and Animator CG artists design and create the visual elements of animations, films, games, and advertisements such as environments, characters, vehicles/props, visual effects and motion graphics.
Fine-tune your sound career Achieve high level skills in the live sound, film and studio production areas of the music industry with this Advanced Diploma qualification. Through this course, you will develop your wide ranging analytical, technical and creative skills.
"Failing to plan is planning to fail" If you are involved in the Creative Industries, are self-employed or involved in a small business you need to create a business plan to give yourself the best chance at being a success story.
Kick start your career in WA's vibrant music industry Gain the practical knowledge to enhance your musical and production skills. This course introduces basic musical and sound concepts.