This course has the following essential entry requirements:
Ensure that the six month period during which you have police approval to enrol on a course has not expired (or will not expire before you can attend a course).
Complete the TasTAFE Enrolments form and sign the attached white sheet on the bottom where "Student signature" is shown, and attach payment (cheque, money order or credit card).
Create your USI.
Complete the Course Reservation Form. This will ensure that you have sufficient time to study and complete the pre-course examination.
Attach a copy of your letter from Tasmania Police approving your enrolment on a firearm safety course, then post or email your enrolment forms to TasTAFE:
- Public Safety Training
Allied Trades and Firearms
GPO Box 2015 Hobart 7001
Within 14 days of receipt of your enrolment form, course fees and course reservation form, TasTAFE will book you into the next available course and you will be sent a package containing a course date confirmation, learning materials and a pre course examination.
If you do not receive the package within 21 days of posting your enrolment form and course reservation form, telephone the course administrator on 6165 6482.
Within 21 days of successfully completing the course you will be sent a Statement of Attainment, a copy of which is also automatically sent to Tasmania Police, who will then continue with the processing of your licence and arrange for you to attend Service Tasmania and have your photograph taken before a firearms licence can be issued.
Ensure that the six month period during which you have police approval to enrol on a course has not expired (or will not expire before you can attend a course).
Complete the TasTAFE Enrolments form and sign the attached white sheet on the bottom where "Student signature" is shown, and attach payment (cheque, money order or credit card).
Create your USI.
Complete the Course Reservation Form. This will ensure that you have sufficient time to study and complete the pre-course examination.
Attach a copy of your letter from Tasmania Police approving your enrolment on a firearm safety course, then post or email your enrolment forms to TasTAFE:
- Public Safety Training
Allied Trades and Firearms
GPO Box 2015 Hobart 7001
Within 14 days of receipt of your enrolment form, course fees and course reservation form, TasTAFE will book you into the next available course and you will be sent a package containing a course date confirmation, learning materials and a pre course examination.
If you do not receive the package within 21 days of posting your enrolment form and course reservation form, telephone the course administrator on 6165 6482.
Within 21 days of successfully completing the course you will be sent a Statement of Attainment, a copy of which is also automatically sent to Tasmania Police, who will then continue with the processing of your licence and arrange for you to attend Service Tasmania and have your photograph taken before a firearms licence can be issued.